From 10th to 17the of September 2024,” The Promoting Responsible Business Practice by Women and Youth” project staffs of Non Timber Forest Products(NTFP) that supporting fund from CORD/DPA to conducted a meeting to promote the project with cooperation and supporting by local authority purpose and selection focal points (HRDs) according to the criteria set for project implementation at 8 target villages of Ekpheap commune and Samaki commune, O’Chum district, Ratanakkiri province. These meeting have 140 participants including 58 women of village authorities, commune councils and communities.
The result:
1. Local authorities and target communities expressed their support for the project after the project team met to disseminate the objectives and action plans of the project.
2. The 20 focal point (HRDs) including 12 women were selected at 5 target villages. The project will continue to select more 12 focal point (HRDs) at other 3 target villages.